Find Out if Drinking Water With Meals is Good or Bad for Health

Find Out if Drinking Water With Meals is Good or Bad for Health

Most of us cannot eat without a glass of water. Having a few sips during your time is fine. However, it is believed that drinking too much water while eating is not a good idea. Drinking water helps digestion, but drinking it with food can have the opposite effect. It is thought that drinking water as a dietary supplement may have an adverse effect on digestion. The accumulation of toxins can cause various health problems.

According to experts, it is advisable to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal and 30 minutes after. During digestion, stomach acid helps break down the food we eat. But, it can be combined in such a way that the drink dissolves acid and experts believe that this reduces the efficiency of digestion because the food spends less time in contact with stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

Here are some reasons why people think you should drink water with your food:

It can affect digestion
It is widely accepted that drinking water during meals has a negative effect on digestion, starting with the reduction of saliva in the mouth. For this reason, absorption and digestion are prevented by the minute you drink water during your meal.

However, contrary to this belief, studies have found that drinking water has little effect on actual consumption during and after meals.

It can reduce the absorption of nutrients
It is believed to dissolve gastric secretions, which are necessary to fight infections. It prevents food from breaking down quickly. People believe that when digestive enzymes are digested, food will stay longer in your stomach. But this is an idea that has not been tested or researched.

This can result in acidity
People also believe that water makes acidity for your age full of water as possible by eating. However, no survey to express his feelings. Therefore, the effect of water consumption between meals and increased risk of acidity can not be considered.

It can lead to weight gain
Another misconception about water is that it affects the water in the stomach and can lead to weight gain by increasing insulin in your body. There are various websites that show that drinking water is bad because it leads to weight gain, but there is no study that supports this statement. Other types of liquids, such as juice or flavored drinks, are not recommended because they are unhealthy and can cause weight gain.

What does the research suggest?
In fact, there are no scientific studies that show that drinking water during meals is harmful. There is no evidence that water inhibits digestion, dilutes stomach acid and enzymes, or causes weight gain.

Since there is no significant research that shows that drinking water with food is harmful, it is up to you whether you want to drink water with food. If you feel uncomfortable while drinking water during meals, you can drink water before and after meals.


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